
Japanese style garden

Designed & constructed by The Garden Builders

japanese style garden

The beauty of this Japanese style garden is without question the simplicity of the design. The existing fencing and boundary walls were left on clients brief and designed only throughout the floor levels and planting. The house was slightly off-set from the garden so a clever shift in the geometry of the design pulls one around the garden smoothly. The white porcelain tiles gleam in the natural light and the sunken reel reflects the sky and clouds beautifully. The central section of the garden is laid with a resin bound to give a seamless floor and the amazing Ilex crenata (cloud tree) adds the finishing touch to a very simple but creative area. The back section steps up to a hardwood decking platform with sunken black bamboo planting. A polished stainless steel planter brings a mirrored modern element to the space and rattan sofa for a more relaxed feel. All the planting in the ground planters are of a Japanese variety keeping within the theme of this very feng shui garden.