Family Gardens

Lovely Family Garden Putney

Designed by Kate Gould & constructed by The Garden Builders

Lovely Family Garden Putney

This beautiful Putney Garden. A complete overhaul of the existing garden space was required in order to create a brand new style to suit the clients preferences, as the client wanted a garden for both relaxing and working in. Within the relaxing half their wish-list included for a low maintenance bespoke, stone clad water-feature and seating all contained within the clean crisp lines of lawn and planting. Within the working half, the client requested storage and manageable raised beds within which they wanted to grow herbs and edible/culinary plants. We created the planting beds with with heavy duty, lined willow hurdles. Pleached Carpinus trees divided the two halves. Paved areas of Travertine linked the two gardens and the different surface textures.