Green Walls
Green Walls blog The Garden Builders London
Blog Testimonials (3) Garden Design (20) Green Walls (5) Landscape Design (7) Planting (9)
Artificial Green Walls London
Posted: 05/12/2014
Green Walls
When it comes to vertical greening, natural is rarely easy. Sometimes the costs of building and maintaining a natural green wall simply outweigh the b...
The trouble with living green walls
Posted: 05/12/2014
Green Walls
Natural rarely means easy. So natural green walls are not only fashionable, they are healthy and apt for both people and the planet. No argument there...
Preserved Moss Walls
Posted: 07/11/2013
Green Walls
The Garden Builders were approached by a new, dynamic, young company in South Wales to produce a bespoke water feature for their new board room. Unfor...
The Green Walls
Posted: 14/10/2013
Green Walls
The green walls are living thing and on some occasions, the plants die due to the life cycle of the plants, diseases, lack of maintenance or wrong pla...
Problems with Green Walls
Posted: 09/10/2013
Green Walls
Green walls are really effective and spectacular, but they are also high maintenance and require attention on a regular basis, usually weekly or at ti...