
Planting tips and tricks from The Garden Builders London

Blog Testimonials (3) Garden Design (20) Green Walls (5) Landscape Design (7) Planting (9)
November Garden Blog
Posted: 15/11/2022
It’s getting cold now (Booo!) but it’s not all doom and gloom when it comes to your garden. As you will know, plants are seasonal, meaning that so...
Top Tips for your garden this Autumn
Posted: 10/10/2022
It’s that time of year now where your small or large garden landscape has once been a blossoming, vibrant display of beauty of the last 6 months, bu...
Brilliant colours of the autumn garden
Posted: 04/10/2016
Languorous autumn, when the softening sky shelters a tawny landscape, and romance and warmth sift through the amber glow of the season. A garden fille...
To irrigate or not
Posted: 26/03/2015
How much water does a healthy garden need? In the run-up to summer, the season conventionally associated with thirsty plants and heavy watering, irri...
Late winter showstoppers
Posted: 12/02/2015
The start of the new year, the mid-winter slog-- no running out of reasons to turn to your garden for uplift and inspiration in January. Whether as s...
Garden planting design late bloomers
Posted: 05/12/2014
The air is getting nippy but that doesn't mean it's time to give up on our especially glorious summer. Surely not when you can brighten the garden wit...
Automatic Irrigation
Posted: 03/12/2013
Automatic irrigation systems are a fantastic addition to any garden scheme. Look after lawns and planting without lifting a finger. Set the timer and ...
Fruit Trees
Posted: 29/10/2013
Don't forget to plant your fruit trees now! Our wildlife is probably benefitting from all the windfall apples now lying on the ground after the stron...
Autumn Gardens
Posted: 26/07/2013
Even though it's mid-summer now's a great time to contact us regarding your autumn / winter garden design and garden construction enquiries. Works can...